Peer-reviewed articles
- [in press] Suicidality among patients in a network of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) programs for first-episode psychosis: Rates, changes in rates, and their predictors. in Schizophrenia Research. (Phalen, Jones, Davis, Sarpal, Dickerson, Vatza, +30 additional authors)
- [in press] Reasons for Discharge in a National Network of Early Psychosis Intervention Programs. in Schizophrenia Bulletin. (Phalen, Smith, Jones, Reznik, Marti, Cosgrove, Lopez, Calkins, and Bennett)
- [in press] From Rhetoric to Action: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Coordinated Specialty Care for Early Psychosis. in Psychiatric Services. (Pagdon, Shahriar, Murphy, Bomnae Babusci, Flores, Rivens, Ered, Smith, Jones, Phalen, Calkins, and Bennett)
- [2024] Fentanyl Exposure and Detection Strategies Utilized by Clinical Trial Participants Seeking Linkage to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment at a Syringe Service Program. in Journal of Medical Toxicology. (Watson, Ray, Phalen, Duhart Clarke, Taylor, Swartz, and Gastala)
- [2024] We Need to Make Progress on Blunted Affect: A Commentary. in Schizophrenia Research. (Cowan, Phalen, Brown, Blanchard, and Bennett)
- [2024] Reduction in cigarette smoking improves health-related quality of life and does not worsen psychiatric symptoms in individuals with serious mental illness. in Addictive Behaviors. (Brady, Phalen, Roche, Cowan, and Bennett)
- [2024] On the Proportion of Patients Who Experience a Prodrome Prior to Psychosis Onset: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. in Molecular Psychiatry. (Benrimoh, Dlugunovych, Wright, Phalen, Funaro, Ferrara, Powers, Woods, Guloksuz, Yung, Srihari, & Shah)
- [2024] Latent class analysis of emergency department patients engaged in telehealth peer recovery support services and associations of identified classes with post-discharge outcomes. in Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment. (Watson, Swartz, Magee, Bray, Phalen, Medcalf, and McGuire)
- [2024] Emotional distress and dysregulation as treatment targets to reduce suicide in psychosis: a scoping review. in European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. (Phalen, Kimhy, Jobes, and Bennett)
- [2023] Research on youth suicide and sexual orientation is impacted by high rates of missingness in national surveillance systems. in Archives of Suicide Research. (Phalen and Kivisto) - supplemental materials.
- [2023] Evaluation of post-discharge engagement for emergency department patients with opioid use history who received telehealth recovery coaching services. in Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. (Watson, Phalen, Medcalf, Messmer, and McGuire)
- [2022] Description of a Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program in a Veterans Affairs Health Care System. in Evaluation and Program Planning. (Phalen, Grossmann, Bruder, Jeong, Calmes, Mcgrath, Malouf, James, Romero, and Bennett)
- [2022] Peer support for discharge from inpatient mental health care. in The Lancet Psychiatry. (Phalen, Miller, Frampton, Jones, Machin, Rose, Stewart, and Carras)
- [2021] Precision Medicine for Mood Disorders: Objective Assessment, Risk Prediction, Pharmacogenomics, and Repurposed Drugs. in Molecular Psychiatry. (Niculescu, Le-Niculescu, Roseberry, Levey, Gill, Phalen, Mullen, Williams, Bhairo, Voegtline, Davis, Shekhar, and Kurian)
- [2021] Lived Experience, Research Leadership, and the Transformation of Mental Health Services: Building a Researcher Pipeline. in Psychiatric Services. (Jones, Atterbury, Byrne, Carras, Hansen, & Phalen)
- [2021] Adolescent suicide, household firearm ownership, and the effects of child access prevention laws. in Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (Kivisto, Kivisto, Gurnell, Phalen, Ray)
- [2021] Categorical Versus Dimensional Models of Early Psychosis. in Early Intervention in Psychiatry. (Phalen, Millman, Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, Andorko, Reeves, & Schiffman).
- [2020] Peer and Non-Peer Co-Facilitation of a Health and Wellness Intervention for Adults with Serious Mental Illness. in Psychiatric Quarterly. (Muralidharan, Peeples, Hack, Fortuna, Klingaman, Stahl, Phalen, Lucksted, Goldberg).
- [2020] Baltimore Ceasefire 365: Estimated impact of a recurring community-led ceasefire on gun violence. in American Journal of Public Health. (Phalen, Bridgeford, Gant, Kivisto, Ray, & Fitzgerald) - supplemental materials
- [2020] Cognitive Impairment and Depression Symptoms are Independently Associated with Suicidal Ideation in US Veterans. in Psychiatry Research. (Ryan, Phalen, Jahn, Wastler, Bennett, Ghahramanlou-Holloway, & Schwartz)
- [2020] Metacognitive capacity is related to self-reported social functioning and may moderate the effects of symptoms on interpersonal behavior. in Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. (Fischer, Dimaggio, Hochheiser, Vohs, Phalen, & Lysaker)
- [2020] Internalized Stigma, Sense of Belonging, and Suicidal Ideation among Veterans with Serious Mental illness. in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. (Wastler, Lucksted, Phalen, & Drapalski)
- [2019] Evidence for differential predictive performance of the prime screen between black and white help-seeking adolescents. in Psychiatric Services. (Millman, Rakhshan, DeVylder, Edmondson Smith, Phalen, Woods, Walsh, Parham, Reeves, & Schiffman)
- [2019] Firearm Ownership and Domestic Versus Nondomestic Homicide in the United States. in American Journal of Preventive Medicine. (Kivisto, Magee, Phalen, & Ray)
- [2019] Using the K-SADS Psychosis screen to Identify People with Early Psychosis or Psychosis Risk Syndromes. in Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. (Tsuji, Phalen, Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, Millman, Bussell, Thompson, Demro, Roemer, Reeves, and Schiffman)
- [2019] Predictors of Attendance in Health and Wellness Treatment Groups for People with Serious Mental Illness. in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. (Phalen, Muralidharan, Travaglini, Bennett, Stahl, Brown, Hack, Klingaman & Goldberg)
- [2019] Public understanding of different kinds of voice-hearing experiences: Causal beliefs, perceptions of mental illness, and stigma. in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. (Phalen, Warman, Martin, Lucksted, Drapalski, Jones, and Lysaker). Supplemental materials: Causal Beliefs Questionnaire - Revised/Religion, and go here for the underlying dataset.
- [2019] Towards Precision Medicine for Stress Disorders: Diagnostic Biomarkers and Targeted Drugs. in Molecular Psychiatry. (Niculescu, Le-Niculescu, Levey, Roseberry, Rogers, Kosary, Prabha, Jones, Judd, McCormick, Wessel, Williams, Phalen, Mamdani, Sequeira, and Kurian).
- [2019] The Impact of Age on the Validity of Psychosis-Risk Screening in a Sample of Help-Seeking Youth. in Psychiatry Research. (Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, Pitts, Millman, Andorko, Redman, Wilson, Demro, Phalen, Walsh, Woods, Reeves, and Schiffman).
- [2019] Validity of a Two-Item Screen for Early Psychosis. in Psychiatry Research. (Phalen, Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, Millman, Thompson, DeVylder, Mittal, Carter, Reeves, & Schiffman) - online supplement
- [2018] EMS Naloxone Administration as Non-Fatal Opioid Overdose Surveillance: Six Year Outcomes in Marion County. in Addiction. (Ray, Lowder, Kivisto, Phalen, & Gil)
- [2018] What are urban teachers thinking and feeling? in Psychology in the Schools. (Camacho, Vera, Scardmalaia, and Phalen)
- [2018] Effects of Risk-Based Firearm Seizure Laws in Connecticut and Indiana on Suicide Rates, 1981-2015. in Psychiatric Services. (Kivisto and Phalen)
- [2018] An Examination of Perceptions of Individuals with an Intellectual Disability, with and without Co-Morbid Schizophrenia: Effects of Labels on Stigma. in Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. (Rasdale, Warman, and Phalen)
- [2018] Fentanyl Related Overdose in Indianapolis: Estimating trends using multilevel Bayesian models. in Addictive Behaviors. (Phalen, Ray, Watson, Huynh, & Greene)
- [2018] The stigma of voice-hearing experiences: Religiousness and voice-hearing contents matter. in Stigma and Health. (Phalen, Warman, Martin, and Lysaker)
- [2017] Consumer factors predicting level of treatment response to Illness Management and Recovery. in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. (White, McGuire, Luther, Anderson, Phalen, and McGrew)
- [2017] Precision medicine for suicidality: From universality to subtypes and personalization. in Molecular Psychiatry. (Niculescu, Le-Niculescu, Levey, Phalen, +16 additional authors)
- [2017] Firearm Legislation and Fatal Police Shootings in the United States. in the American Journal of Public Health. (Kivisto, Ray, and Phalen)
- [2017] Psychological Distress and Rates of Health Insurance Coverage and Use and Affordability of Mental Health Services, 2013–2014. in Psychiatric Services. (Phalen) - supplemental materials
- [2017] Aspects of Theory of Mind that attenuate the relationship between persecutory delusions and social functioning in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. in Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. (Phalen, Dimaggio, Popolo, and Lysaker)
- [2016] Towards understanding and predicting suicidality in women: biomarkers and clinical risk assessment. in Molecular Psychiatry. (Levey, Niculescu, Le-Niculescu, Dainton, Phalen, +17 additional authors) - online supplement
- [2015] The relationship between cognitive insight and quality of life in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Symptom severity as potential moderator. in Psychiatry Research.
(Phalen, Viswanadhan, Lysaker, and Warman)
- [2015] Understanding and predicting suicidality using a combined genomic and clinical risk assessment approach. in Molecular Psychiatry. (Niculescu, Levey, Phalen, Le-Niculescu, Dainton, +24 additional authors) - online supplement
- [2015] Impact of a brief education about mental illness on stigma of OCD and violent thoughts. in Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. (Warman, Phalen, and Martin)
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